The Platz Max, Model Olympia, like the name says, has been the arena groomer of choice
at the Olympic games for the past two decades.
The most important part of any horse arena is the riding surface your are training on! Your arena footing is only as good as your daily footing maintenance protocol.
Providing a consistent and smooth riding surface for your horse is imperative for best training and performance. So, when selecting your new arena groomer, study the components it needs to make grooming and harrowing your arena footing perfect and fun.
Your new arena groomer should:
- Be suitable for plain sand arenas and synthetic arena footings or rubber sand additives
- Be suitable for your available towing vehicles
- Have coil tines for synthetic footings, plus S Tines for sand only footing
- Have adjustable depth control
- Come with a Leveling Blade!!!
- be easy to use
- Have durable construction
When it comes to sand additives, synthetic arena footing has become popular in the past
decade. When selecting an arena groomer for synthetic footings, it should have blending components to consistently
blend the sand with the geotextile materials.
- Coil Tines, which keep blending the geotextiles and geo fibers
with the arena sand - A Heavy Lattice roller in the back with counter-rotating discs, which perfectly blends the sand
with the synthetic material while slightly compacting the arena footing - A roller with a sophisticated design, which leaves your arena surface imprinted with a diamond
pattern - Track Cleaner scoop – no more hand shoveling of the track
- Distance wheel which keeps the arena groomer off the kick wall
Leveling Action
We do NOT recommend arena drags with a front and back roller as the front roller will prevent any leveling action while grooming your riding arena. Arena groomers with a roller in the front would just follow the unevenness of the arena footing. This is the reason why the Platz Max arena groomers have only ONE Lattice roller in the back, which keeps blending the geotextile and fibers with the arena sand. The leveling blade with the spring in front of the roller can now effectively level the arena footing. It smoothes out hoof imprints and catches and releases high spots to level out any unevenness in your riding surface.
Ripper Tines
If you have compacted arena footing you would need ripper tines to loosen up the sand. You can easily manually attach the row of ripper tines to your arena groomer or you can select the FS Groomer Maxi which operates the ripper tines and coil tines alternatively via hydraulic.
Track Cleaner
Say good bye to your rakes and shovels! All Platz Max models come with the track cleaner. The track cleaner grabs excess footing material from the wall or kick board and the leveling action of the leveling blade spreads the excess footing evenly