Niklas Giraffe approves of his new SoftBed! He is the heavier bull, he currently weighs 2,890lbs. I pulled up the overnight video footage and all the female giraffe laid on their SoftBeds, too. We are already seeing a drastic drop in the amount of shavings that we have had to use in the past in the giraffe barn. Love these SoftBeds!

About Hilo Nick

Hilo is a lifelong equestrian, having competed in jumping and dressage in Germany as well as in the US. As a compassionate rider, Hilo understands the biomechanics of the horse and has deep-seated expertise and a gifted feel for sand—the most important aspect in any footing. Because of this, Hilo hand-picks the sand for all of her FootingSolutionsUSA clients. “I LOVE sand,” she says. “You have to have the right feeling for good sand and combine it with the technical and engineering aspects. I never stop searching for even better sand blends and geotextile additives to provide friendly footing for the horses.”Hilo founded FootingSolutionsUSA in 2004 to fill a void in quality riding surfaces in the US, which at the time were behind in comparison to European riding arenas.